The real job of a leader is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in our charge.
What we really have to do is go through a transition, some people make it quickly, some people make it slowly, and unfortunately some people will never make that transition at all. We have to go through this transition of being responsible for the job and then turning it into somebody who is now responsible for the people who are responsible for the job.
Leadership is a skill like any other, it's a practicable learnable skill. And it's something that you have to work on. It's like a muscle, if you practice it all the days, you will be good at it, you'll become a strong leader. If you stop practicing you'll become a weak leader.
A explanation by Simon Sinek, author of "Leaders Eat Last", in a Live2Lead presentation about being a true leader in the 21st century. Practicing servant leadership enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.