Choosing for equivalence and steering together
Creating space for collective synergy in the 21st century
From ego- to ecosystem, together we make it possible.
Practices for empowering our ecosystem:
- The use of helpful certainties.
- Taking on varied challenges.
- Giving substance to your meaning.
- Creating sustainable connections.
- Stimulating personal growth.
- Contributing to social well-being
With the help of a curious empathetic pattern:
- What do you want to achieve?
- Where are you now?
- What options do you have?
- What choices will you make?
- How will you invest in it?
- What are the results?
- Where are you going to adjust yourself?
Do you want to continue with these themes? Send a message for a structured reflection and practical feedback. We use the flourishing model as a primary guideline.
Models for gaining insight
Personal development for wholeness
Working on self-knowledge, your patterns and the course to your potential. Becoming aware of your paradigm, the routine way of looking and giving meaning. Being able to live through and understand the experience of others in addition to one's own perspective. Applying and reflecting on transformational leadership. Being the most beautiful version of yourself for the growth and prosperity of your environment.

Transformation of corporate culture
Adapting to a shrinking complicated world and a growing complex world. Complicated world: stable, predictable, routine and defined. Plan and control, safe. Complex world: volatile, uncertain, intricate and ambiguous. Sense and respond, promising.
The 6 human needs as described by Tony Robbins. Basic needs: safety, variation, meaning and connection. Needs for happiness: growth and contribution.
Measurement of cultural development: Score on the six cultural dimensions as described by Geert Hofstede. Power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term thinking, and indulgence.

Balanced team composition
Diversity and inclusion in the teams generates synergy and flow. The team composition is about looking at what the project needs, what the primary role is of the candidate teammate, and making an appropriate mix considering the nature of the work and the people.

Change of playing field
The organization is no longer a machine, but a living organism, in nature nobody is the boss. Hierarchical collaboration is suitable for complicated industrial environments with low dynamics. Then a man or woman can keep an overview, but in today's complex network environments that is less and less the case. The transition to organic collaboration is certainly not easy, but it's necessary if we want to use our full creative potential. Explicit attention must be paid to achieving harmony between two types of leadership. Masculine: confident, resilient, challenging. And feminien: caring, patient, empathizing.
Learning goals and performance goals for reflection and adjustment: 1A. Decrease of costs per customer. 1B. Decrease of time per customer. 1C. Decrease in absenteeism due to illness. 1D. Decrease of outflow of talent. 2A. Growth of talented influx. 2B. Growth of employee satisfaction and engagement. 2C. Growth of sustainable contribution to the environment and community. 2D. Growth of customer appreciation, intangible and tangible. 3A. A learning organization. 3B. Sustainable partner relationship with all stakeholders. 3C. Continuous agile modernization. 3D. Personal vitality and happiness experience.

Choosing inspiring empowering relationships

Team development for co-creation
All underlying layers of the pyramid of Lencioni must first be sufficiently supported before building up. The bottom layer of the pyramid is the largest and is therefore the most important. In order for a team to work together effectively, attention must be paid to all levels of this model.
The four levels of communication encourage the team to deepen conversations and to be creatively open to other ideas. With sufficient care and attention for the three inner voices that impede communication.
Two things are needed for psychological safety in an organization. First, everyone should be treated proportionately in the conversations. And secondly, to take completely seriously what is then brought forward. This creates space for the emergence of a team of teams, that is transparent and steering together towards the intention.
Measurement of team competence: productivity, creativity, integrity, independence, self-confidence, satisfaction, involvement, sick leave, outflow, stress level, morale.

Choosing for conscious living
We are not our name, our past, or our position, we are what we do every day. A synergy organization is all about creating space for developing the best version of ourselves. Showing and allowing wholeness by listening attentively to the threefold brain makes that possible.